Maneggio coperta

La nostra attività ha e sta fabbricando vari prodotti in legno, e per il momento stiamo costruendo un maneggio coperta per un centro sportivo e club equestre. Oggi – un maneggio coperta è presto un elemento indispensabile di un club equestre ben gestito. L'implementazione del progetto è realizzata in modo tale che questa costruzione del legno possa essere ingrandibile in qualsiasi momento.


La scelta del materiale isolante adeguato per la vostra casa in legno aumenta costantemente il vostro comfort e ridurrà i costi di riscaldamento.

Ma nel caso del case blockhaus e del case in legno prefabbricate le leggi e le regolazioni - ha riferito lo spessore dell'isolamento, a volte differiscono dal regione alla regione.

Per noi questa è una cosa naturale, in quanto le posizioni delle case in legno costruite da noi sono anche varie.

Abbiamo costruito in Groenlandia - vicino al Polo Nord e fino a Sicilia - e in questi casi - naturalmente - i climi non potrebbero essere paragonati tra loro.

Ma sottolineiamo che: un buon materiale isolante non solo si riscalda, ma si ferma anche quando è necessario.

Noi utilizziamo materiali certificati in prodotti certificati.


Dear visitor!

We are partly aware of the fact, that nowadays – people set various and multiple criteria when searching for wood houses for family homes or week-end houses.

We also see that those who would like to build different wood constructions prefer searching for: cheap wood house or even DIY wood house.

This is why we – dear visitor we would like to emphasize an important detail to you: buying cheap wood houses from Romania is not worth it and nor is it recommended, or: “Good cheap is dear”.

But, buying a good product from a Transylvanian wood house manufacturer – at an advantageous price is more than appropriate, especially if – for you and your family – it is important to have an excellent living space in a: weekend house, cottage, family home made of interlocked beams or prefabricated sandwich panels in wood. All these can be found at several wood house manufacturing companies from Harghita County.

One of these is located in the center of the Giurgeului basin – in Gheorgheni: Tig-Rad System Ltd.

We are at the disposal of our clients for more than 20 years. During this – not very short time – we have learned a lot – or better say: very much.

A very effective management team – that works together marvelously for several years, along with the colleagues from the production and the assembly teams made the saying: “Our specialists will gladly help you” more of a reality, than just a simple marketing text.

We do not dare to say that we are the ones who manufacture the cheapest wood houses, but we bravely state that we do everything we can – at all times, and in any conditions – in order to have content clients when it comes to talk about the quality and the services related to our products.

We ask and encourage you to try all these, and if there will be any other necessary detail – besides those which can be found on our present website – please do not hesitate to contact us about wood houses and other wood products, as we will gladly be at your service – with all our good intentions.

With our wood houses, we: “Give back to nature, that what is natural”.

Useful browsing and healthy homes!


The team of Tig-Rad System Ltd.